J.R. "BOB" DOBBS - Big Brother Au-GO-GO
Who is this guy with The Pipe whose Face is APPEARING EVERYWHERE?
What is behind that smile that has sold and puzzled millions? Does he know something we don't know? Is he about to tell us a secret? Is he, mayhap, INSANE? Or, has he just sold us a car?
Man's word says, "Seeing is believing". This is perversion. "Bob's" word says, "Believing is seeing". If you believe in something first, you will then see it. But you must really believe.
You don't have to believe in the Dogma. You don't have to believe in yourself. You don't have to believe in ANYTHING, but merely be CAPABLE of BELIEVING... which is more closely related to seeing than thinking. If you can see the Path, it is yours, and it will lead you to the point at which you will believe everything...
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXX ©
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