sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021


Let's Start a RIOT !

"What To Do If You Smell Burning Inside Your Brain Mainframe Plus How You Can Microchip Your Brain To Command You To Feel Happy + Other Fun! Emotions Plus How Are Your Pay And Benefits Are Actually Keeping You Less Productive Plus On The Street Interview With Hottest Celeb In Hot Water Over Recent Tweet Scandal Plus Your Planned Obsolete Tech-Gadgets Are Beginning To Glitch Out: Here Is The Replacement That You Must Buy Immediately!"
(TOO COOL 3; Pata-No! UNLTD)

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

"I'd rather be lucky than good any day."

Opus Dei+ NYAPLEC Last Rehearsal MINDFUCK 2021!

Opus Dei+ NYAPLEC Last Rehearsal MINDFUCK 2021! 
 All rites reversed Ⓚ 

Space Boogie MOTOR 
CHA CHA 2020

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

"Sed pan y vino."


***The End of The World is already Here / it's just not evenly distributed.

"Dealing with fucking idiots, so many fucking retards, 'talking in the family' while 'fucking in the family' and fucking themselves with 39 & 1/2 foot Gallup polls post-impeachment and post-coitus after all the president's con men had a presidential baby dick-tator semen stained gang-bang of handjobs & blow jobs. Take your fetus and blow it away up your prolapsed vag with the sawn-off 12 gauge you raped your Alabama grandma's rotten molded cunt with. 
One dead retro-fascist is one dead fascist too little. Cleavers to that turtle-sack McKuntles face folds, and don't forget the napalm in the morning, there's a decent recipe in the Anarchist Cookbook.

Doomsday: 100 seconds to Midnight

Doctor Manhattan looking at an ' It's Always 6 O'Clock in Philadelphia'  makes a call to Zeno in the future-past of space-time while Doomsday buried Superman's Christly corpse after the extreme downhill BMX bicycle race next to the Snyder cut alongside Das Kapital in the 'dustbin of history' while Einstein walked with Gödel. Pro-situs and nuclear scientists watch cut-ups of The Day After alongside Doctor Strange Love and War Games on dual monitors with the Iran crisis & North Korean missile tests on picture in picture. While I was too busy fucking hot MILF pussy 'in cars' during a low speed slow-mo, slow death crash."



If your mind bores you - risk it!

Only in the tempest of life's forces - wich challenge every element of your nature - will you receive that inspiration, those ideas, wich will bring personal supremacy. So, if you're ready to slide down the cutting edge, if you think you've got what it takes to play God, maybe it's time YOU looked into an exciting career as a Doktor for "Bob".


Just as the humans fear the alien in any given monster movie, they fear YOU because YOU ARE AN UNPREDICTABLE. This gives you a POWER beyond anything you previously imagined. You aren't JUST a worker drone... you ARE that, but you are also the possesor of that mighty power: the power to REPENT, QUIT YOUR JOB and SLACK OFF. You HAVE that power. You can DO it ANY TIME YOU LIKE, and They know it.

Then there are those who think we're just a bunch of intellectual art geeks. Heh, heh, heh, But ... if we WERE, reflect on just how much a few intellectual geeks HAVE DONE in the past. Hitler started out as an underground artist. The Bolsheviks were a small clique of amateur rantes and pamphlet publishers who happened to put themselves at just the right place and the right time... and for 70 years, they held a slew of nations in an IRON GRIP, and caused the murders of over 60 million people (...) a few probably even "innocent".

So think twice before you write off frustrated intellectual geeks!


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021

"El amor es la necesidad de salir de uno mismo."


"El segundo concepto que en Wiener se establece como aquel de la entropía. La probabilidad es un concepto matemático, proveniente de las estadísticas. La Entropía viene de la física. Es la afirmación - establecida lógica y experimentalmente - que dice que el Universo, por su naturaleza, se está agotando, moviéndose hacia un estado de uniformidad inerte, desprovista de forma, materia, jerarquía o diferenciación.
Esto significa, en cualquier situación, que una menor organización y mayor caos, es abrumadoramente más probable que organizaciones más ajustadas o que aumente el orden.

La tendencia de que se incremente la entropía en sistemas aislados, se experimenta en la segunda ley de la termodinámica - tal vez la formulación más pesimista y amoral en todo el pensamiento humano.
Sin embargo, aplica para un sistema cerrado, para algo que está en un todo aislado, no sólo una parte. Al interior de tales sistemas, pueden existir partes, que toman su energía del todo, que se están moviendo al menos, temporalmente, en la dirección opuesta; en ellos el orden se incrementa mientras el caos disminuye.

Los remolinos que giran en una dirección opuesta a la corriente principal son llamados 'enclaves'. Y uno de ellos es la vida, especialmente la vida humana, la cual, en un universo en movimiento inexorable hacia el caos, se mueve hacia mayor orden." 


"Los Magos, especialmente desde las influencias Gnósticas y la Cábala, han buscado una consciencia más elevada por medio de la asimilación y control de los opuestos universales: bueno/malo, positivo/negativo, masculino/femenino, etc. Pero debido a la categórica pomposidad del ritualismo heredado de los antiguos métodos de los chamanes, los ocultistas han sido cegados e incapacitados para ver lo que posiblemente son los dos pares más importantes de aparentes opuestos del plano terrestre: ORDEN/DESORDEN y SERIEDAD/HUMOR.

Los Magos y su progenie, los científicos, siempre se han tomado a sí mismos y a sus objetos de estudio en una manera ordenada y sobria, de ese modo ignorando un balance metafísico esencial. Cuando los magos aprendan a acercarse a la filosofía como un arte maleable, en lugar de una Verdad inmutable, y aprendan a apreciar lo absurdo del esfuerzo humano, entonces serán capaces de perseguir su arte con un corazón más iluminado y tal vez ganar mayor claridad en la comprensión de sí mismo y por tanto conseguir magia más efectiva. CAOS ES ENERGÍA.

Este es un desafío a los conceptos básicos de todo el ocultismo occidental, y POEE está humildemente complacido de ofrecer el primer gran avance en ocultismo desde Salomón."

(Principia Discordia; POEE)

"Escala el Caos con un amigo, o Dos, y sigue el camino por el que te lleva, sobre las olas, en cualquier cosa que hagas."
(HBT; El Libro de los Consejos 1:3)

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

"El Sol entra en Géminis."

Sub Rosa >>> FREEDOM !


"La palabra Stimmung* se refiere a relaciones anímicas de carácter musical.
La acústica del alma es aún un campo muy oscuro, pero quizás muy importante.
Oscilaciones armónicas - e inarmónicas."

"El que no sepa y sienta inmediatamente lo que es poesía,
no lo asimilará conceptualmente. Poesía es poesía.
Eminentemente diferente del arte del discurso (lenguaje)."

"Yo es igual a no-yo:
principio supremo de toda ciencia y de todo arte."

"... poder hacer milagros, pero no quererlo - poder saber todo, pero no quererlo.

En el instante en que seamos perfectamente morales podremos hacer milagros, es decir, en el instante en que no queramos hacer milagros, a lo sumo milagros morales. (Cf. Cristo). El supremo milagro es una acción virtuosa - un acto de la libre determinación.


'Todo lo que acontece, acontece por nuestro bien.'
(S'il n'y a point de Dieu il faut s'en faire.)
Fuerza milagrosa de la fe - toda fe es maravillosa y obra milagros. Dios existe en el momento en que yo creo en él.

La fe es una fuerza indirectamente taumatúrgica. Mediante la fe podemos hacer en cualquier momento milagros para nosotros - y a menudo también para otros si tienen fe en mí.

La fe es la percepción aquí abajo de una acción eficaz y de una sensación en otro mundo - la percepción de un acto transmundano. La auténtica fe se refiere exclusivamente a cosas de otro mundo.

Fe terrena - aplicada - voluntad. 
Fe - percepción de una voluntad realizada."

(La Enciclopedia; NOVALIS)

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

 "Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality..."


"They sell their world, or what they think is someone's world. Writers write their junk, everybody drinks their booze, does their cocaine, swallows their pills, is happy and numb, adultery is just another day in, day out minuet. Behind this world, in Nihilon, there is nothing, pure façade, varnish, even more opaque and transparent upon the abosrbing screens, simulated and not necessarily concocted. The world reveals itself comepletely in a way, in a distorted frame, the painter is a fucking liar, the writers want to sell their pulped trees with ink implanted upon it (refuse! resist! Me rehuso, otra vez!)"

"And Spaceship Earth, that glorious and bloody circus, continued its four-billion-year-long spiral orbit about the Sun; the engineering, I must admit, was so exquisite that none of the passengers felt any motion at all. Those on the dark side of the ship mostly slept and voyaged into worlds of freedom and fantasy; those on the light side moved about the tasks appointed for them by their rulers, or idled waiting for the next order from above."

"We’ve got nothing to do with right-wing, left-wing or any other half-assed political category. If you work within the system, you come to one of the either/or choices that were implicit in the system from the beginning. You’re talking like a medieval serf, asking the first agnostic whether he worships God or the Devil. We’re outside the system’s categories. You’ll never get the hang of our game if you keep thinking in flat-earth imagery of right and left, good and evil, up and down. If you need a group label for us, we’re political non-Euclideans. But even that’s not true. Sink me, nobody of this tub agrees with anybody else about anything, except maybe what the fellow with the horns told the old man in the clouds: Non serviam."

"There are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven’t noticed already."

"The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it's only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse."
(DMT Mckenna)

"Los artistas, en buscan de la emancipación tanto temporal, como espacial, han destrozado el lienzo; convirtiéndose el gesto de su virtuossismo efímero, el pasaporte de vanguardia."

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

"Luna nueva en Tauro."

More Disinfo About TOO COOL 3 !

TOO COOL 3 by Pata-NO! UNLTD Out NoW!

Sorry Not Sorry for the SPAM 

TOO COOL is the New COOL TOOL for these New Hyper-Reality (Screen-Reality) pandemic End Times.

"Just pretend it's a Videogame, like you are in a fucking movie."

Too Cool Cubed: 
Feauting new editions of Ubu’s Almanac, the NEO, Re:ACTION (plus that unnamed “meme zine”). Featuring fellow esteemed pataphysicians, post-neoists, discordians and countless others; such as: Mireille Perron, Blatella Germanica, Istvan Kantor, Pseudonovalis, Project Zkymicx, #TheGame23 & Timóteo Pinto!

Anti-literatura, Neoísmo, INFOWARS, Cut-Ups, plagiarismo, Pataphysics, Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics, Strong language, ULTRAVIOLENCIA, Porno, Discordia, Luther Blissett, Subgenius,  collages, Memetics, Oxymoron, Trans-Media Luxury Games, Guerrilla Ontológica & Nonsense & More...

In words of the editors:

"This is Too Cool3.
Take 3.
Welcome to Too Cool3
with Pata-No UN LTD.
There’s a lot of bored assholes out there so let’s get right to it.
We’ve been told we’ve got a very radical geesture, so don’t try to fight it.

Imagine these words as a fist and imagine you trying to read this as the face. 
Imagine that fist punching that face, right in the face.
Over and over and over again.

“0: Jogo Bonito!” - Luther Blissett; jogador de futbol y líder para (os) neoístas…


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind."


"Perhaps the most bizarre and lest understood weapon of the Conspiracy is THECHNOBOREDOM. (...) Technoboredom manifests itself in the subliminal-reality areas of the frontal lobes of the brain and causes the person to garner intense satisfaction from comercial insanity. TV Commercials, toys in cereal boxes and other similar "Con-particles" bring about an almost sexual enjoymente to the adherent of the doctrine of Technoboredom. There also massive, conspiracy-funded Technoboredom Centers in all areas of the world masquerading under the thin guise of universities, libraries, and cultural-activities centers. "
(POPE STERNO; 13013)

"Television is by nature the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coersion, brainwashing, and manipulation."

"The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it’s only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse."

"Not to know one's true identity is to be a mad, disensouled thing — a golem. And, indeed, this image, sick-eningly Orwellian, applies to the mass of human beings now living in the high-tech industrial democracies. Their authenticity lies in their ability to obey and follow mass style changes that are conveyed through the media. Immersed in junk food, trash media, and crypto-fascist politics, they are condemned to toxic lives of low awareness. Sedated by the prescripted daily television fix, they are a living dead, lost to all but the act of consuming."
(DMT Mckenna)


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

 "Chaos is the future and beyond it is freedom."

Boredom is always counterrevolutionary

"Part of what psychedelics do is they decondition you from cultural values. This is what makes it such a political hot potato. Since all culture is a kind of con game, the most dangerous candy you can hand out is one which causes people to start questioning the rules of the game."

"Schizophrenia is just a catch-all term for forms of mental behaviour that we don’t understand. In the nineteenth century there was a term, melancholia, which we would now call bipolar depression… but all forms of sadness, unhappiness, maladaptation, were poured into this label melancholia… Now, schizophrenia is a similar thing… A book about schizophrenia [says that] the typical schizophrenic lives in a world of twilight imagining. Marginal to his society, incapable of holding a regular job, these people live on the fringes content to drift in their own self-created value system. I said, that’s it! That’s it! Now I understand!"

(DMT McKenna)

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021


La Muerte del Cowboy Astral Mercurial

GOIN' TO THE BEACH!... If you're going to change, you must KILL YOUR ENTIRE PREVIOUS LIFE - you must DIE to everything you have "known".


"Así pues, pecador, 
¿temes todavía las espinas del mundo?
Puedes ir salvo por las crueles espinas.

La gracia completa te ha admitido en el número de lo sagrado. 
¿Cómo de pronto tiende la cruel muerte trampas para ti? 
Ve, ella ataca abiertamente, 
te traspasa con afilada lanza.


Po fin la Diosa del Cadáver ha cubierto tu cuerpo y cabeza,
se ha en enterrado en la fosa bajo la lápida, 
y no existe en la Tierra nada más 
de lo que eras tú o tus posesiones.

La esperanza de la vida viene cuando la carne muerta
se levanta otra vez como el maíz crece fuerte 
cuando se le trae a la vida.


Cierta esperanza de salvación celeste permanece 
cuando un nuevo calor libera 
los huesos resucitados.

No dudes: 
todo esto está demostrado dos veces del todo.
¿No ves las pruebas? 
Cada ángel las tiene."


 Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©