"Timothy Leary, the prophet of LSD, said: 'Dalí is the only painter of LSD without LSD.' This is normal for who tries to capture, with the most exacting fury of precision, the imagery of concrete irrationality. On the other hand, nothing in the world bores me more than those who have a habit of telling about their dreams or their hallucinations; not one of them is capable of bringing to life either the one or the other.
For, if the eye is a miraculous thing, it is necessary to know how to use it, as I have used mine; it has become a real, soft, and psychedelic camera. I can use it to make photographic negatives, not of exterior things, but of the visions of my thoughts; thus, anyone capable of arousing his visions at will is unaware of the sorrow of all daily reality and can give free rein to the paranoiac magic of his own hallucinations.
Then why should Dalí use drugs when he has discovered that our world is a world of people with hallucinations, where theories, like that of relativity, add to the three dimes dimensiones of space a fourth, which is time, the most surrealist and the most hallucinatory of spatial dimensions.
I have never taken drugs, since I am the drug.
I don't talk about my hallucinations, I evoke them.
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic!"
"The Spanish author Ramón Asnar wrote:
'The first man on the moon will be neither a Russian nor an American, but a Spaniard.
This Spaniard WILL BE NAMED DALÍ, who, from his very earliest adolescence, painted fabulous and rugged landscapes where black and dazzling shadows are cast in lunar space without atmosphere.'
But other worlds exist, still unexplored, that men have never seen. They are all concentrated on a single planet-Earth.
When the snobs of modern art acclaim each new change in aesthetics as progress, they do not know whether the successive phases of these mutations will be as unalterable as those of the moon. They should be taught to know wether these phases of art tend toward the full moon, or wether they lead to nothing, as does that minimal art which has now reached zero."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
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