What isn't? Bulldada is that mysterious quality that impregnates certain 'ordinary' things with meaning for the Subgenius no matter how valueless they may appear to The Others. Seeing in the vivisecting light of bulldada, we recognize that the most awe-inspiring artifacts of our civilization are not the revered lame artsy-fartsy pieces of 'culture' which the Arts Conspiracy displays in our swankest museums, universities and concert halls, but are instead to be found in such icons as low-budget exploitation movies, lurid comic books, all-nite TV, certain bizarre billboards and pulp-magazine ads, sleazy Paperback of the Gods, and literally any other fossils of raw humanity in all its shit-kickingly flawed glory. Bulldada is what falls out of your pocket and is found by amateur archeologists millions of years in the future.
YES! What They cannot know is that dumbness - Cheepness - sincere and vital ignorance - reveal far more about the interestingly violent and taboo world around us than any overpriced geegaw that Critics have told us is "art" or "science". FUCK THOSE WHO'D TELL US WHAT'S "GOOD".
"I'm here with, basically, nothing to say. And that's what I want to talk you about tonight. Are you saying what you really mean to say? Do you even know what you're really thinking?"
"I always lie... and I'm always right."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
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