jueves, 25 de julio de 2024


Do you feel like your Life is stagnant? That nothing seems to move around you? Time has stopped and you can't move? Unable to take a single step?!

Here a magickal Fetish that may HELP YOU with your FLOW! Go with The Flow of Life, baby...

GOFLOWOLFOG (mirrored "GO FLOW") is an egregore created during a magickal seminar in London to ease traffic stoppages and generally cause movement. He takes the form of a shades-wearing cat riding a skateboard, and his disposition is cool, stylish, relaxed, speedy, and graceful. He brings with him wind and a noise sounding like Neeowww. GOFLOWOLFOG relax and elate those evoking him, as traffic jams tend to cause stress.*

This magnet is a piece realized by Dalien Zopel. Wood print and laser cut, by Alex 33 at Còdol Studio @trentatres33. The zine has been conceived, designed and printed by Dr. PseudoNovalis and Dalien Zopel  the 4th of July 2024 at Empty 6 Pack Cassettes studio at Fabra i Coats, Fàbrica de Creació, Barcelona. 

The whole idea is to share information about the concept of GoFlow, to contribute in global Energy Flow. Put the magnet somewhere where you can see it everyday to help flowing your life up !

Improve your coolness, get your talisman HERE:

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIIII ©

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