domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

'PATAPHYSICS: Surreal Babies (Liliput)

Meanwhile en la Iglesia del Surf: 

A new useless hobby added to the endless collection of useless hobbies, mmm... starting a Collection of surreal babies postcards from a century ago... (TIME CONTROL IS POSSIBLE) Overall in the decade of 1900, but also until 1930, many of these surreal postcards (PURE 'PATAPHYSICA INVOLUNTARIA) were produced on many countries; and these pieces of anonymous bizarre Art were collected by many of the dadaists and members of the surrealist group.


"These postcards had a great influence on many artists in the 1920s and 30s, and were collected by Paul Éluard, André Breton, Salvador Dalí, Hannah Höch, Herbert Bayer, and Man Ray. These popular images excited inspiration in these artists by their boundless inventiveness - the permutations are countless."

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXIX ©

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