sábado, 22 de junio de 2019


"The key is to work by instinct, NOT EFFORT: don't  'do the job' but float on the lake of work... let the job 'DO YOU'. This involves the same techniques that you're already using when you play a videogame or a musical instrument, or drive a car. You get 'in sync' with the machine, you become the machine, you surrender to the machine. You put your brain on 'auto-pilot'. You 'GIVE UP'.

If this makes no sense to you, then your ONLY SANE MOVE would be to REPENT, QUIT YOUR JOB and SLACK OFF before you're too far gone.

It's the simple Taoist principle of Wu-Wei: 'Doing Nothing Effectively. To "BOB", Nothing is infinitely more real than other realities. He preaches 'NOT-THINK' or 'NO-MIND': for the only way to truly THINK the UNTHINKABLE is NOT TO THINK. You just 'BE'"

"Try? No! There is no 'try'. Do or do not."


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXIX ©

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