sábado, 13 de abril de 2019

V.I.T.R.I.O.L. / The Way of Dobbs

"Creí caer en un abismo que atravesaba el globo."

"BOB" artficially induces shock in Initiates, so that the brain learns to habitually Disconnect under stress. Thus, it works on intuition alone - direct knowledge. (...) With this comes tremendous powers, called 'Siddhis". We've all heard stories of emergencies in wich some normally wimpy mom, in order to save her kid from a burning car, suddenly acquires the strength of a thousand madwomen and rips all the doors off their hinges. Utilizing this effect, Dobbs sets up fake emergencies to inflict on his followers so that they're jolted out of 'Sanity'.


"BOB" calls this method 'The Zen of Terror' and his 'little accidents' are called UltraKoans (Koans are the bulldada 'impossible questions' that regular Zen Masters pose to their students). They are perfect for While-U-Wait ego-breaking. The pupil or 'John' is shocked into into 'Displacement Mode', in which he feels he is 'standing to one side' of himself and reality - seeing it all, but no longer in it. One foot in the water, one on the ground, so to speak.

The soul becomes the smoke from "Bob's" Pipe, drifting towards Slack...


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXIX ©

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