"14º de Descerebramiento 152 E.P. / Santos 4 Descogotados; hechiceros [Día Internacional del Agradecimiento, Ocultación aparente de Robert Anton Wilson]."
sábado, 11 de enero de 2025
ETHER: El Tercer Ojo
“Sabemos que es el ojo de Dios el que confiere vida al alma; su estado primitivo está en el fuego y el fuego es su vida; pero si por la voluntad y la imaginación no abandona el fuego por la luz pasando por la sombría muerte que la lleva a otro principio, el del fuego-amor, permanecerá en su fuego original y no conocerá más que la áspera ira, el deseo ardiente y la consunción y el hambre; y andará errante por la eternidad, que es eterna angustia.”
“La nueva Jerusalén será eternamente un cristal de antimonio rojizo y transparente, como una piedra (preciosa): es el nuevo cielo y la nueva tierra, donde moraremos todos nosotros.”
“El ojo con el cual Dios me ve es el mismo ojo con el que yo veo a Dios. Su ojo y mi ojo son un mismo ojo. En consecuencia, yo influyo en él y él influye en mí.”
“La antorcha del cuerpo es el ojo: pues si tu ojo fuere simple, también todo tu cuerpo será resplandeciente; mas si fuere malo, también tu cuerpo será tenebroso.”
*Dadá es el lado americano del budismo.
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©
'PATAPHYSICS: Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17
Cassandra was born as Brian Edward Cobbs in the ruins of the Walsall Apology in the Old Calendar Year of 4.99/4763/A/15. Her life was extended through a series of 708 plastic surgery operations until she was nothing but a piece of skin stretched onto a frame with eyes and a mouth, connected to a brain in a jar below. The skin had to be constantly moisturised to keep it from drying out. She was guarded by attendants, who sprayed her regularly with a patented moisturising formula kept in canisters. They also served as soldiers when they filled the canisters with acid.
Almost cartoonishly elitist and aristocratic, Cassandra hailed from the wealthy upper-class of human society. She was shown to be an extremely arrogant xenophobe, proclaiming herself to be the last "pure human" and considering the new evolved humans of the far-future as "mongrels" and "mutant stock" due to their intermingling with the natives of the planets they colonised. Ironically, Cassandra herself had no human body to speak of - having lengthened her life by untold thousands of years at the expense of her own humanity, so obsessed was she with preserving her beauty and keep herself "pure".
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©
jueves, 9 de enero de 2025
Memento: EAT THE "BOB" !
Slack was known to the Buddha - to Lao Tsé, to Jesus - to all the great Avatars.
But were they able to communicate it?
*The Slack that can be described is not the true Slack.
Slack, in its cosmic sense, is that which remains when all that is not Slack is taken away. But Slack is a trickster. It is unknowable, ineffable, unsearchable, incomprehensible... hidden in revelation. For Slack comprises the Universe. It is the Logos, the Tao, the Wor, the Ain Soph of the Qabbala.
SubGeniuses are so disconnected from reality already, they can more easily vault the fissures in the brain-caves and see the roadmap in the randomness. They can get to that place where the PRIMAL INFORMATION STILLS REMEMBERS ITSELF. They can find "BOB". STOP LOOKING, and "Bob" will SUDDENLY SHOW UP, offering a Smoke.
Remember, "BOB" is not a "doer", but a "letter". He LETS things happpen. What is about to happen is, by perpetual magick coincidence, exactly what he desires.
The way to avoid the pendulum spending too much of its 'swing' in the Bad Mood side is to make them into NEW, WEIRD, heretofore UNDISCOVERED MOODS: the so-called "Mood Exploration" that Doktors recommend. (Manic depression? That's just the Pink Witch Doctor's way of explaining a SubGenius who's become a mental Bodybuilder, an incredible Hulk of the emotions. He doesn't need Thorazine - he needs SLACK!) If you're going to change, you must KILL YOUR ENTIRE PREVIOUS LIFE - you must DIE to everything you have "known".
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©
New VideoFilm > Alan Smithee: LEVIATHAN CRASH (2025)
*The following program is not intended to sensationalize or glamorize Satanism. Our desire is to alert the public to its danger in order to put a stop to the perverted acts of these satanists.
Step into a Satanic vortex where the realms of virtuality, video games, and visceral terror collide, where bodies and realities are torn apart in a digital storm of car crashes, new flesh, and corrupted code.
LEVIATHAN CRASH is a cyberpunk nightmare drenched in the twisted dystopian visions of J.G. Ballard or David Cronenberg and William Burroughs, including blinks and references to the esoteric cinema of Kenneth Anger; along with the presence of the Hellraiser cenobites in a sort of virtual Interzone. Featuring Ultraviolence, surreal car wrecks, and nihilistic absurd humor; a hyperReal labyrinth where the eroticism of the automobile meets the dark enigmas of The Lemarchand’s Box & Leviathan.
"The Lemarchand’s Box, also known as the Lament Configuration and occasionally colloquially called the Black Box, or the Cube is a mystical/mechanical device that acts as a door or as a key to a door—to another dimension or plane of existence. Solving the puzzle creates a “schism” or opens a pathway to other dimensions, through which travel can occur in any direction."
*Prepare for a crash you won’t survive… or forget.
****/// Plug in. Wreck yourself.
Unofficial Xtension of TOO COOL VIDEO GAMES™ 1 & 2
MetaVideo Cyber HORROR Short Non-Film
infamously directed and plagiarized
by Alan Smithee
Part of transmedia Non-Sequitur TOO COOL*** Games MINDFUCK
“TV or not TV, that is the question.”
for MORE Disinfo about TOO COOL VIDEO GAMES™:
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©
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