Slack was known to the Buddha - to Lao Tsé, to Jesus - to all the great Avatars.
But were they able to communicate it?
*The Slack that can be described is not the true Slack.
Slack, in its cosmic sense, is that which remains when all that is not Slack is taken away. But Slack is a trickster. It is unknowable, ineffable, unsearchable, incomprehensible... hidden in revelation. For Slack comprises the Universe. It is the Logos, the Tao, the Wor, the Ain Soph of the Qabbala.
SubGeniuses are so disconnected from reality already, they can more easily vault the fissures in the brain-caves and see the roadmap in the randomness. They can get to that place where the PRIMAL INFORMATION STILLS REMEMBERS ITSELF. They can find "BOB". STOP LOOKING, and "Bob" will SUDDENLY SHOW UP, offering a Smoke.
Remember, "BOB" is not a "doer", but a "letter". He LETS things happpen. What is about to happen is, by perpetual magick coincidence, exactly what he desires.
The way to avoid the pendulum spending too much of its 'swing' in the Bad Mood side is to make them into NEW, WEIRD, heretofore UNDISCOVERED MOODS: the so-called "Mood Exploration" that Doktors recommend. (Manic depression? That's just the Pink Witch Doctor's way of explaining a SubGenius who's become a mental Bodybuilder, an incredible Hulk of the emotions. He doesn't need Thorazine - he needs SLACK!) If you're going to change, you must KILL YOUR ENTIRE PREVIOUS LIFE - you must DIE to everything you have "known".
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©
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