sábado, 11 de enero de 2025

'PATAPHYSICS: Lady Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17

Cassandra was born as Brian Edward Cobbs in the ruins of the Walsall Apology in the Old Calendar Year of 4.99/4763/A/15. Her life was extended through a series of 708 plastic surgery operations until she was nothing but a piece of skin stretched onto a frame with eyes and a mouth, connected to a brain in a jar below. The skin had to be constantly moisturised to keep it from drying out. She was guarded by attendants, who sprayed her regularly with a patented moisturising formula kept in canisters. They also served as soldiers when they filled the canisters with acid.

Almost cartoonishly elitist and aristocratic, Cassandra hailed from the wealthy upper-class of human society. She was shown to be an extremely arrogant xenophobe, proclaiming herself to be the last "pure human" and considering the new evolved humans of the far-future as "mongrels" and "mutant stock" due to their intermingling with the natives of the planets they colonised. Ironically, Cassandra herself had no human body to speak of - having lengthened her life by untold thousands of years at the expense of her own humanity, so obsessed was she with preserving her beauty and keep herself "pure"
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXV ©

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