martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

NeWS >>> VAULT of SLACK #4


The VAULT of SLACK is a SubGenius zine to proclaim the word of "Bob," provide further examination of the sprawlingly slackful SubGenius mythos, provide spiritual advice, and examine enlighteningly strange and interesting things.

Behold VAULT OF SLACK #4, the SubGenius Zine ready to ram the wisdom of "Bob" Dobbs and his disciplines into your brain, bypassing common sense ENTIRELY!

BEHOLD the horrific lost gospel of JHVH-1 itself! WITNESS deep explorations of Dobbsian Slackonomics and the horrible truth of the monster called "The Economy." ADSORB musical interludes, the wisdom of slackful foods, and more! EXPERIENCE soul-touching art from mysterious and untold sources! BUY multiple copies to ensure Slack!

Glossy 100lb cover. 20 pages internal 70lb pages. 8.5" x 11" Guaranteed touched by at least one of Reverend Xenofact's appendages.

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIIII ©

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