Rock and roll, punk rock, cyberpunk, and technoshamanism have all been described as countercultural movements that challenge traditional forms of authority and religion. While each movement has its own unique characteristics and motivations, they share a common thread in their rejection of the established order and their focus on subverting and questioning dominant cultural norms.
Rock and roll, from its inception, has always had a certain spiritual quality to it. It has been described as a rebellious and visceral form of expression, which defies the constraints of traditional society. But for some, rock and roll has evolved into something much more profound, even to the point of becoming a kind of pagan religion.
In his book Noise: The Political Economy of Music, Jacques Attali writes: 'Rock and roll is an anarchic, heretical force that aims at tearing down the established order, at finding a way to freedom, or at least to some sort of liberation.' Attali suggests that rock and roll's rebellious spirit is rooted in its origins as music for the marginalized and disenfranchised, including African Americans and working-class youth. The genre's primal and sexual nature, as well as its connection to the occult, are also seen as manifestations of this rebellious spirit.
Similarly, punk rock emerged in the late 1970s as a response to the excesses of the music industry and the political and social turmoil of the time. In his book Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, Legs McNeil writes: 'Punk rock was about breaking down the barriers of who was cool and who wasn't. It was about being anti-authority.' The genre's confrontational and aggressive edge, as well as its DIY ethos, reflect the social and political context of its time.
Kenneth Anger has been one of the most prominent voices in the exploration of rock and roll's spiritual qualities. In his book Hollywood Babylon, Anger writes, 'Rock and roll is a pagan thing, a pagan religion, and its rituals are sexual.' This statement highlights the primal and sexual nature of rock and roll, which is often associated with the pagan worship of the body and the earth.
Technoshamanism, a movement that emerged in the 1990s, also shares a desire to subvert traditional forms of authority and religion. In their book The Technoshaman Manifesto, authors Arthur and Marilouise Kroker write: "The technoshamanist re-imagines the world as a hybrid of the natural and the technological." Technoshamans use technology to create altered states of consciousness and to connect with spiritual forces in a way that is both traditional and innovative.
"Rock and Roll is a ritual, a way of channeling our darkest desires and wildest dreams into something tangible and powerful."
"Rock and Roll is the Devil's music, and it inspires the passions of its followers to the point of frenzy."
"Rock and roll is a planetary government in which every man, woman, and child is president."
"Rock and Roll is a form of alchemy, a way of transforming base materials into gold."
"Rock and Roll is a religion, and the amplifier is its god."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©
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