miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019



Subgenii thrive on danger. They 'get off' doing just what the Conspiracy doesn't want them to do - in fact, it's many SubGeniuses' ONLY reason for living. But rest assured, the Conspiracy sleeps lightly when the strong awaken. It is watching us with its vast, cold, impersonal eye. SubGeniuses don't use all those fake names just to be cute - they do it to help clog the thoughtcrime computers. The dream police and anti-sex leagues toil deep into the night trying to analyze and sort out all our contradictory clues. They know... they KNOW that somewhere out there ... maybe in the alley next door... there lies a purebred SubGenius who got away. And as long as the SubGeniuses gene lives, They are in danger. For there was a legend... a legend that some day there would come a man with a pipe, one who could outsell the Conspiracy. That man came, and he's got some new clients now, They'll be ARRIVING SOON to inspect the property....

(REVELATION X ; 13013)

“We’ve got nothing to do with right-wing, left-wing or any other half-assed political category. If you work within the system, you come to one of the either/or choices that were implicit in the system from the beginning. You’re talking like a medieval serf, asking the first agnostic whether he worships God or the Devil. We’re outside the system’s categories. You’ll never get the hang of our game if you keep thinking in flat-earth imagery of right and left, good and evil, up and down. If you need a group label for us, we’re political non-Euclideans. But even that’s not true. Sink me, nobody of this tub agrees with anybody else about anything, except maybe what the fellow with the horns told the old man in the clouds: Non serviam.”


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXIX ©

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