jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023

"Las fuerzas humanas carecen de límites, señora - afirmó tranquilamente."

Visions of Expo Are You Experienced SURF?


17 Tutti Technicolor collages by Pseudo-Novalis
en Librería PICASSO Cómics (Almería)
hasta abril 2023

> En colaboración con LaOficina.

es el título del que será el tercer libro  de collages de Erik Pseudo-Novalis. Una antología psicotrópica y alucinógena de imágenes Trompe l’Oeil en technicolor que explora los mitos y obsesiones alrededor de su particular visión del Surf como disciplina espiritual y experiencia iniciática y religiosa.

En estas visiones confluyen guiños e influencias muy diversos: del Umor patafísico a fenómenos contraculturales y esotéricos como la Chaos Magick, el Discordianismo o La Iglesia del Subgenius; siempre moviéndonos en los márgenes entre lo simbólico, el espíritu revolucionario surrealista, y la cultura Pop de presente, pasado y futuro.

El proyecto nació a raíz de una serie de bromas y retruécanos visuales alrededor de Jimi Hendrix, así como de los Beach Boys, en un Trip que recorre gran parte de la iconografía psicodélica propia de los 60 pero con un ojo puesto siempre en vista hacia este nuestro presente-Futuro distópico, las inquietudes del nuevo milenio y una perspectiva Apocalíptica en permanente expansión hacia la entropía.


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©

Old Skull: 9 Moules Mâlic / SOPHISTICATED ART BRUT

FanArt DUCHAMP: 9 Moldes Masculinos; copia en bolígrafo bic. 

"El Gran Vidrio", también conocido como "La novia desnudada por sus solteros, incluso", es una obra maestra de Marcel Duchamp. Se trata de una obra de arte compleja y enigmática que se encuentra entre las más influyentes del siglo XX. Entre las muchas características interesantes de "El Gran Vidrio", se encuentran los "nueve moldes masculinos", que son un elemento clave de la obra.

Los nueve moldes masculinos son nueve formas geométricas abstractas que representan a los "solteros" en la obra. Los solteros son personajes míticos que han sido creados por Duchamp para representar las distintas partes de la psique masculina. Cada uno de los solteros tiene una función específica y representa una parte diferente de la personalidad masculina.

Los nueve moldes masculinos están dispuestos en una forma jerárquica, con el molde más grande en la parte superior y los moldes más pequeños en la parte inferior. Cada uno de los moldes tiene una función específica, que está determinada por su forma y posición dentro del grupo. Por ejemplo, el molde más grande, que se encuentra en la parte superior, representa la "alma" masculina, mientras que los moldes más pequeños, que se encuentran en la parte inferior, representan los "deseos" masculinos.

Además de su función en la obra, los moldes masculinos tienen algunas características interesantes que los hacen únicos. Por ejemplo, cada molde es una forma geométrica tridimensional que ha sido creada a partir de vidrio. Esto les da una apariencia transparente y brillante que los hace parecer etéreos y delicados. También son muy detallados y están decorados con una serie de patrones y diseños que les dan un aspecto ornamental.

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2023

"El Sol entra en Piscis."


The world of art is one where a playful and imaginative spirit thrives, where puns and wordplay are elevated to the level of artistic expression. This is perhaps most evident in the works of Marcel Duchamp and René Magritte, two artists who were deeply influenced by pataphysics, and the seek to explore the underlying nature of reality through absurdity and paradox.

Duchamp's "Fresh Widow" is a prime example of his interest in puns and his fascination with sight and perception. The work is a small version of a French window that has been constructed in accordance with Duchamp's instructions. However, the windowpanes are covered in opaque black leather, which Duchamp insisted “be shined everyday like shoes”; thwarting the viewer's expectations of a view through the window. This play on sight and perception is central to Duchamp's work and is reflective of his interest in exploring the boundaries between reality and illusion. Through a simple change of a few letters, Duchamp transforms the French window into the "Fresh Widow," a reference to the recent abundance of widows from World War I, and it reflects Duchamp's interest in wordplay and puns. This interest is also evident in the inscription at the base of the work, which reads "COPYRIGHT ROSE SELAVY 1920." This is the first work signed by Duchamp's female alter ego, Rrose Sélavy, a name derived from the French saying "Éros c'est la Vie," which means "the sex drive is life."

Windows also had a significant place in Duchamp's work. He stated that "I used the idea of the window to take a point of departure, as…I used a brush, or I used a form, a specific form of expression… I could have made 20 windows with a different idea in each one….”

Similarly, Magritte's serie of windows paintings explore themes of sight and perception in their own unique way. The artist was interested in challenging our understanding of reality and encouraging us to question what we see.

It is in this spirit of pataphysical wordplay and imaginative expression that "TOO COOL FRESH WINDOWS" can be seen as a continuation of Duchamp and Magritte's artistic legacy. By combining the playful pun of "Fresh Widow" with the surreal imagery of Magritte's windows we invite you to question our understanding of reality and to embrace the absurd. As pataphysicians, we are drawn to works that challenge our perceptions and question the nature of reality.

The broken windows can be seen as a metaphor for shattered perceptions, while the windows covered in blood can be interpreted as a symbol of violence and destruction. These elements provide a darker and more intense interpretation of the relationship between reality and illusion and challenge the viewer to consider the meaning and significance of the works. 

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©


by Opus Vivaldi 
Part of Transmedia Non-Sequitur Too CooL*** Games MINDFUCK 

Secretly ft. Messages from The Media Foundation, Stevie Wonder, 
Araceli & Technopolla, Amalia Ulman, Cheb Tati, Royal Trux 
or AIDS-3D and others. 

For MORE Disinfo about TOO COOL:

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023

"21º de Gules 150 E.P. / Lavativa (Conjunción Venus-Saturno en Piscis)"


Pataphysics, a concept first introduced by French writer Alfred Jarry, is a philosophical and comedic approach to reality that explores the idea that there is a level of existence beyond the physical world. In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, and the line between reality and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred, Pataphysics continues to be a relevant and thought-provoking field of study.

With the advent of memetics, the study of cultural transmission and evolution, Pataphysics has the potential to provide new insights into the ways in which our beliefs and values are shaped by cultural forces. In a world where fake news and misinformation are rampant, it is increasingly important to understand the role that cultural transmission plays in shaping our perceptions of reality. Pataphysics, with its focus on the absurd and the intangible, can provide a new lens through which to examine the ways in which cultural memes influence our understanding of the world.

Quantum computers, with their ability to process vast amounts of information and perform complex calculations, have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about computation and information. In the age of quantum computing, Pataphysics can provide a new way of thinking about the nature of reality and the limits of our understanding. Pataphysics can help us to question the assumptions we make about the world and to explore new ways of thinking about the relationship between information and reality.

In a world where dystopia and entropia are becoming increasingly prominent, Pataphysics can provide a means of exploring the darker aspects of human experience and the ways in which our actions and beliefs contribute to a sense of existential despair. With its emphasis on the absurd and the surreal, Pataphysics can provide a means of exploring the existential questions that arise in a world that seems increasingly unstable and uncertain.

The Clinamen is a concept in Pataphysics that is often described as the slight deviation or swerve in the universe's otherwise determined paths, creating chaos and chance. According to several pataphysicians, the Clinamen is what allows for the creation of new ideas and possibilities.

In terms of its influence on the future, the Clinamen is seen as a source of hope and inspiration. It suggests that the future is not predetermined and that there is always room for change and unpredictability.

As for the meaning of Pataphysics in 2023, it remains a field of study that is both complex and open to interpretation. While it continues to inspire and challenge conventional thinking, it remains a niche area of philosophy.

Regarding the future of Pataphysics, it is uncertain. Some see it as a growing field with a bright future, while others believe it will continue to be a relatively obscure area of study. Nevertheless, it continues to captivate and inspire those who are interested in exploring the limits of the human mind and the nature of reality.

Pataphysics, as a branch of philosophy, was created as a response to the limitations of traditional metaphysics and its focus on explaining the nature of reality in a rational and scientific manner. Pataphysics instead explores the idea that there are aspects of reality that cannot be fully understood or explained through conventional reasoning.

The concept of the Clinamen, as a deviation or swerve in the universe's otherwise determined paths, is a central tenet of Pataphysics. It suggests that even in the seemingly deterministic universe, there is room for chance and unpredictability. This idea has been compared to similar concepts in Taoism and Zen cosmology, which also emphasize the importance of embracing the unknown and accepting the Nonsense of life.

In terms of its relation to quantum mechanics, the Clinamen concept has been seen as a possible explanation for the randomness and uncertainty that is observed in the quantum world. In quantum mechanics, it is well-established that subatomic particles can exhibit unpredictable behavior, and the Clinamen could be seen as a way of understanding this in a philosophical context.

Overall, Pataphysics, and the Clinamen specifically, challenge conventional ideas about determinism and the nature of reality. They suggest that there is more to the universe than what can be observed and understood through scientific reasoning; blah blah blah…

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2023

"14º de Gules 150 E.P. / Natividad de San Julio Verne."

'PATAPHYSICS: 10 de Copas

"Llegada al final de su desarrollo, la vía del corazón nos presenta el amor universal (...) En el mito cristiano, el amor divino se hace carne para propagar el amor en el mundo y servir, sea cual sea el precio. Esta carta indica un corazón colmado, una acción concreta que emprender (convirtiéndose en As de Oros), y que la realización emocional ya ha tenido lugar."

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIII ©