lunes, 4 de enero de 2021

Memento 2021: You are into The Matrix

"Most historians merely mention that Giordano Bruno was charged with the heresy of teaching Copernican astronomy, but Frances Yates, a historian who specialized in the occult aspects of the scientific revolution, points out that Bruno was charged with 18 heresies and crimes, including the practice of sorcery and organizing secret societies to oppose the Vatican. Yates thinks Bruno may have had a role in the invention of either Rosicrucianism or Freemasonry or both.

Bruno's teachings combined the new science of his time with traditional Cabalistic mysticism. He believed in a universe of infinite space with infinite planets, and in a kind of dualistic pantheism, in which the divine is incarnate in every part but always in conflicting forms that both oppose and support each other. Whatever his link with occult secret societies, he influenced Hegel, Marx, theosophy, James Joyce, Timothy Leary, Discordianism, and Dr. Wilhelm Reich."

"The A∴A∴ must rank as the most secretive secret society in the world. Perhaps nobody, not even the few writers who have discussed it, knows for sure when the A∴A∴ began, which group claiming to be the A∴A∴ at present is the real A∴A∴, or even what the symbols A∴A∴ stand for — although many claim to know these things of course. … 

Occult historians generally agree that V.V.V.V.V. signified Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici ('By the force of truth I have conquered the universe'), one of the eleven magic mottoes of Aleister Crowley."

"In conlusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time."


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

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