jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024


"You fuckers! The fuckers. We’re fucking thousands of fucks you motherfucker. I see you do it again you’re fucking gone. And you, don’t you ever do it fucking again.
I do what I fucking want to! Fuck you! Fuck off right there and fuck off right there! You fuck off and you fuck off over there, so fuck you! I get my fuck on. You fuck off, you fuck—you fuck! Don’t tell me to fuck! And you back there, fuck off too!Everybody around just got fucked off!

What’s up fuckers? Take a step back, and FUCK your own face! Alright
We don’t give a fuck! We don’t give a fuck! We don’t give a fuck!
About disasters, fires, floods and murder hornets
We don’t give a fuck!
About the Space X shuttle belly floppin’ on the ground
We don’t give a fuck!
About starvation and the food the Yemenis didn’t get
We don’t give a fuck!
About the gamblers and the pushers and the geeks
We don’t give a fuck!
About the smack and crack and whack that hits the street
We don’t give a fuck!
About the welfare of all you boys and girls
About the army, navy, air force and marines
We don’t give a fuck!About you people
About you're guns. We don’t give a fuck!
About the non-wars you’re fighting
Gee, that looks like fun! We don’t give a fuck!
About the TikTok Kids, they always lie. We don’t give a fuck!
After murdering everyone they vomited and ejaculated 
all over the carpet, having already shit and pissed all over the walls.
Garbage Day! Hahahaha!"

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXIIII ©

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