martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

More Disinfo About TOO COOL 3 !

TOO COOL 3 by Pata-NO! UNLTD Out NoW!

Sorry Not Sorry for the SPAM 

TOO COOL is the New COOL TOOL for these New Hyper-Reality (Screen-Reality) pandemic End Times.

"Just pretend it's a Videogame, like you are in a fucking movie."

Too Cool Cubed: 
Feauting new editions of Ubu’s Almanac, the NEO, Re:ACTION (plus that unnamed “meme zine”). Featuring fellow esteemed pataphysicians, post-neoists, discordians and countless others; such as: Mireille Perron, Blatella Germanica, Istvan Kantor, Pseudonovalis, Project Zkymicx, #TheGame23 & Timóteo Pinto!

Anti-literatura, Neoísmo, INFOWARS, Cut-Ups, plagiarismo, Pataphysics, Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics, Strong language, ULTRAVIOLENCIA, Porno, Discordia, Luther Blissett, Subgenius,  collages, Memetics, Oxymoron, Trans-Media Luxury Games, Guerrilla Ontológica & Nonsense & More...

In words of the editors:

"This is Too Cool3.
Take 3.
Welcome to Too Cool3
with Pata-No UN LTD.
There’s a lot of bored assholes out there so let’s get right to it.
We’ve been told we’ve got a very radical geesture, so don’t try to fight it.

Imagine these words as a fist and imagine you trying to read this as the face. 
Imagine that fist punching that face, right in the face.
Over and over and over again.

“0: Jogo Bonito!” - Luther Blissett; jogador de futbol y líder para (os) neoístas…


Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXI ©

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