MODUS OPERANDI: El un dos tres del tararí tararán, el baile del Violon Violon PuñaL.
Somos rebaño de ubres de nube: naïf, mediúmnicos, anacrónicos, ñoños y musicales como el aeiou inscrito en letras nacionales. Y que Viva el Bolero de Ravel!
This is Not a PseudomilleniuM!
GuGu TaTaTa Ya Ya Ya (MU!)
well, i sucked at making songs so i stopped, and carried on making art. you dont know it, but i'm a big fan or your music and your art work. just thought you could check out some stuff i've done. let me know what you think.
hello there, many years ago you messaged me when i was just starting to make music
well, i sucked at making songs so i stopped, and carried on making art. you dont know it, but i'm a big fan or your music and your art work. just thought you could check out some stuff i've done. let me know what you think.