"No one should ever work. Workers of the world... relax!"
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022
'Pataphysics: Tableau DATA DADA
"Elon Musk invests in Anime? Why do you wanna live? What's the point? At least as far as these gentlemen were concerned, this was a talk about the future of technology. Taking their cue from Elon Musk colonizing Mars, Peter Thiel reversing the aging process, or Sam Altman and Ray Kurzweil uploading their minds into supercomputers, they were preparing for a digital future that had a whole lot less to do with making the world a better place than it did with trascending the human condition altogether and insulating themselves from a very real and present danger of climate change, rising sea levels, mass migrations, global pandemics, nativist panic, and resource depletion.
For them, the future of technology is really about just one thing: escape. Like to New Zealand while reading 'Sidenotes On The Apocalypse'. Stonks."
(2 COOL; Pata-No UNLTD)
"Still in the child-sacrifice/adrenochrome harvesting room led Reverend Hunter S. Thompson; fragments of rotting human flesh and pulpy, grey matter pits hardwired to an elecronic circuit-board; soldered into the circuitry of the zombified culture-scene, a cyber-flesh-machine, amongst discarded consumer-objects, hologram commercial advertisement generator; effective medical-organ harvesting techniques from a 19th century alchemical-surgery handbook for black-magicians and sorcerers in a middle school chemistry lab; MDMA productions centres in third-floor flats in Bristol."
"So we and our elaborately evolving computers may meet each other halfway. Someday a human being, named perhaps Fred White, may shoot a robot named Pete Something-or-other, which has come out of a General Electric factory, and to his surprise see it weep and bleed. And the dying robot may shoot back and, to its surprise, see a wisp of gray smoke arise from the electric pump that it supposed was Mr. White's beating heart. It would be rather a great moment of truth for both of them."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
The Dangers of Being TOO COOL Mix via 76666
by Opus Vivaldi.
Part of Transmedia Non-Sequitur Too CooL*** Games MINDFUCK
Secretly ft. Opus Vivaldi, Dog of Dracula 2, people & robots from Silicon Valley,
Jim Ferraro, Pata-NO! UNLTD, El Escuadrón del Ritmo, Alien in Wonderland,
Suzanne Ciani, Atari, subliminal corpmercials, Yann Tomita, Funkadelic,
a few hackers, cyborgs and more people I can't remember...
For MORE Disinfo about TOO COOL:
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2022
“Lo sé todo”, diría Mona-Lisa “serena y sin deseos, no obstante mi misión consiste en distribuir el deseo, pues mi enigma lo fomenta y desarrolla en todos aquellos que me contemplan, soy el gracioso pentáculo de Vinci, manifiesto su alma, que nunca se fijó porque veía demasiado alto y demasiado profundo.
Soy la que no ama porque soy la que piensa; la única mujer del arte que, aunque bella, no atrae el beso, no tengo nada que darle a la pasión; pero si se me acerca la inteligencia, se reflejará en el prisma de mi expresión como en un espejo multicolor, ayudaré a algunos a tomar conciencia de si mismos; y los que reciban de mi el beso del espíritu podrán decir que los he amado según la voluntad de Vinci, que me creó para mostrar que existe una concupiscencia de espíritu, pues es mi expresión que me hace amar, ella que niega amar, sino es por el pensamiento.”
"EL TEMPLARIO: Eres una rueda de la que sólo subsiste la sustancia, el diámetro del círculo sin circunferencia que crea un plano mediante la rotación alrededor de su punto central.
FAJA: Eres la rueda, eres el ojo, medio Espíritu Santo, Eterno.
EL TEMPLARIO: La sustancia de tu diámetro es un punto. La línea y su anchura están en mis ojos, que guiñan ante las rayas de oro y verdes de un farola de gas paloide.
FAJA: Esqueleto, en tus volteretas de guacamayo, eres Cristo o San Pedro.
EL TEMPLARIO. El ciclo es un pleonasmo: una rueda y la superfetación del paralelismo prolongado de las manivelas. El círculo, finito, se desusa. Le sucede la línea derecha infinita en los dos sentidos.¡NO DES ESOS SALTOS, semicubista sobre uno y otro polo de tu eje o de tu sí!"
(César Anticristo; ALFRED JARRY)
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022
'Pataphysics: *COOL TOOL* MiX
by Opus Vivaldi
Part of Transmedia Non-Sequitur Too CooL* Games MINDFUCK
Special chapter: Bulldada Sounds
Lucha Libre Rockandroll, detuned guitars, callin' All Girls!
¿Onstá la Yerbita? The New Sound! HORRIBLE!
an Arab guy playing keyboards with his tongue and nose,
Why go to the Moon? Walking on the Moon with Lucia Pamela,
Anton LaVey, Vestronia Rocky Shine,
The Brag of The SUBGENIUS!
& St. Brian Wilson rapping
and inconspicuously snorting cocaine live on Air.
All good children go to Heaven...
"Blurbing Out: TOO COOL
A specter of nihilistic terror to all mediums… a Post-Neoist détournement of the book medium and artist book medium alike and beyond, a deconstruction of encyclopedic-metaphysics, a transmedial implosion of theory/praxis; Too Cool remains all of this and more!
If you’re looking for “art” or boilerplate techno-metaphysical science then look elsewhere or perhaps nowhere, but if you’re looking for the pataphysical disappearance of referentiality than look no further!
A list of contributors to Pata-No UN LTD’s UNNO (Unidentifiable Non-(Narrative) “Objects”/Ogjects) series Too Cool includes a imaginary solution transnetwork or “dream team” of pataphysicians, deconstructors, and Post-Neoists including Monty Cantsin, Luther Blissett, Karen Elliot, Kiki Bonbon, Istvan Kantor, Blatella Germanica, Mireille Perron, Zkymicx, Pseudonovalis, Linda Stillman, Gary Genosko, Norman Conquest, No Cantsin, the OuTransPo (Ouvrior de Transmédia Potentielle) and unknown countless more! Wether taken as the remains of a collection of cut-up experimental Post-Neoist & pataphysical zines and fragments or a simulacra sui generis transmedia textual anomaly, there’s plenty to overload demarcation and misreading of any kind."
for MORE Disinfo about *TOO COOL*:
Contact patanounltd@gmail.com
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022
"El ojo con el que Dios me ve es el mismo ojo con el que veo a Dios. Su ojo y mi ojo son un mismo ojo. En justicia, yo influyo en Él y Él en mí. Si Dios no existiera, yo no existiría. Si yo no existiera, Dios no existiría."
"Hazte como un niño, / ¡hazte sordo y ciego! / tu propio yo / ha de ser nonada, / ¡atraviesa todo ser y toda nada! / Abandona el lugar, abandona el tiempo / ¡y también la imagen! / Si vas sin camino / por la senda estrecha, / alcanzarás la huella del desierto."
"Mientras yo sea esto o aquello, o tenga esto o aquello, no lo soy todo, ni lo tengo todo. Hazte puro hasta que no seas ni tengas esto o aquello; entonces serás omnipresente y, no siendo esto ni aquello, lo serás todo."
"No hay que comprender a Dios ni considerarlo como algo ajeno a mí… Los simples se imagina que deberían ver a Dios como si él estuviera allí y ellos aquí. Pero esto no es así. Dios y yo somos uno."
"Una pulga en cuanto es en Dios es más noble que el más alto de los ángeles en sí mismo."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2022
TOO COOL 4D ! by Pata-No UNLTD
Avoir en main, l'expérience, l'écriture versus l'oraison ; altres discrepàncies, convergències, similituds, différends :Le choix ; DÉTRUIRE OU NE PAS DÉTRUIRE ? Réduire ce texte en cendres avant de le placer dans une galerie ou bibliothèque! [Que significa?]: Tengo la sartén por el mango, Vamos a aniquilar y deconstruir desde los márgenes: meaningless, useless textual drift-compilations:
Disponible! Disponible!
Perhaps prepared by Anti-Neoists, one particular Frankfurt School Fucker, Pataphysicians or the occasional rare Anarchanihilist [whatever the fuck they are all about?!]
TOO COOL is the New COOL TOOL for these New pandemic End Times.
The Transmedia Conspiracy Games Serie of TOO COOL excessive Book-zines
is the Most Subversive Attack on Anti-Literature
you could read since Principia Discordia, Subgenii Propaganda
or the most radical (and violent and obscene and funniest) experiments
by Old Bull Burroughs!!!
This is like the Revised Anarchist Cookbook for the New Virtual Hyper-Reality Times.
Even those who call themselves Anarchists will Scare!
Anti-literatura, Neoísmo, INFOWARS, Cut-Ups,
plagiarismo, Pataphysics, Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics,
Strong language, ULTRAVIOLENCIA, Porno, Discordia,
Luther Blissett, collages, Memetics, Oxymoron,
Trans-Media Luxury Games,
Guerrilla Ontológica
& Nonsense
& More...
Many printing errors slipped into the (Pata-No! UNTLD) list of promoters and nominations Pulitzer Prizes of 2021. Wegvers of dueour these rectified errors with regard to the ranks of any importance (preisheroin, greift or ffeters, commanders, oufficiers) are promoted or appointed in the ouvroir de Transmédia Potentielle on the occasion of the Non-Exhibition
Matt Rochambeau
Denardo Coleman
Laura Croft
Alan Partridge
Paul McCarthy
Andrew Yang
Lawrence O'Donnell
Andrea Juche
Jaimi Dotell
Jackie Brown
Ed Harris
Kathleen McGrory
Neil Breen
Megha Rajagopalan
Alison Killing
Christo Dejesus
Janet Jackson
Nadja Drost
Michael Paul Williams
Grant Morrison
Robert Greene
Emilio Estévez
Lisa Kudrow
Chris Hansen
Robert Smith
Rich Little
Louise Erdrich
Monty Cantsin
Marcia Shatelain
Les Payne
Max Payne
Natalie Diaz
David Zucchino
Frasier Crane
For MORE Disinfo
Contact: patanounltd@gmail.com
Instagram: @patanounltd @outranspono
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
Heavy Metal Folk - LE CHAOS
Chaotic sessions recorded in the mountains of La Alpujarra (Orgiva)
January 2022
Their Psicodrulu Majesties HEAVYC METAL FOLK are:
Mike Rivers - acoustic guitar, tibetan singing bowls
Iker Furtado - acoustic guitar, electronics, effects
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2022
Dimensions of DOOM
"New Gonzo, that kind of shit. I became super nihilistic after I hit the road. This is the new gonzo journalism and we need more of it... a zoomer Hunter S. Thompson. In new genres, the craft is thinking on one's feet. And being able to use a material based on a site, maybe the site determines what the material is. It tells you everything. Still images invite a sort of retinal drifting. An oculus drift.
Am I just a simulation? Have I already been replaced? Death means nothing, means absolutely zero. Are you basically saying life is a simulation? Yes , life is a video game. Then it is meaningless. Why not jump off a bridge?
This guy is just playin' GTA in real life...
Hyperscreen: Split Screen & Smart Screens / Screens Within Screens: Reach-Within Screen & Screen Time / Screened-Out: Touch Screens & Dangerous Screens."
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2022
Surfin' is My Life !
"Ordena tu propia vida como la elegante demostración de un teorema matemático. Desarrollando firmemente este propósito en lo esencial, no os den miedo los accidentes, y hasta podéis complaceros graciosamente en las pequeñas curvas.
Si vigiláis, conciencia alerta, el normal desarrollo de vuestra conducta, todas las desviaciones se fundirán, en suma, en una larga rectitud."
"Acaricia las ideas sin poseerlas: Diletante.
Las posee sin acariciarlas: Filisteo.
Las acaricia, al poseerlas: Artista."
"Elevar la anécdota a categoría."
(E. d'ORS)
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022
'PATAPHYSICS: Jimi Hendrix visits Spain on LSD
“It's very far away. It takes about half a day to get there if we travel by my... dragonfly. No it's not in Spain but all the same, you know: it's a groovy name! and the wind's just right.”
“A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on.”
Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXXII ©
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