miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Stay High! (as fuck...) / PEACE GUERRILLA

"If you're going to change, you must KILL YOUR ENTIRE PREVIOUS LIFE!
You must DIE to everything you have known.
You must follow the Way of Dobbs.

You must go all out, full tilt, to the very farthest extreme you can reach, by driving yourself to some idiotic limit or other, by stretching the threshholds of pain and sanity as tight as they can go before the snap, by ramming yourself head-on into something, anything, as long as it drives your brains so far the point of Survival Urge that they just don't care anymore about keeping the body alive, where they start opening to the other things, where the thrust is so drastic that everything else, life, death, seem exactly alike, where everything on Earth is so trivial in comparison to the internal hurricane that the poor blinded brain-pan just gives up and...
... into a new state, an altered perspective!!!?"

"I always lie... and I'm always right."

(J.R. "BOB" Dobbs)
POEE (+)

Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD. MMXVIII ©

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